Writing Missions

What is your mission as a writer? What do you hope readers will take away from your writing after they read your works? My main mission is as a storyteller, an entertainer. I hope my readers will enjoy my tales and come back looking for more.

I also hope to throw in a few accurate historical tidbits for my readers, to show them how it really was back in the days I write about. I enjoy doing research into the past, finding out what really went on and how people lived during the 1800s. There are a good many inventions that would surprise modern readers. I once read about the invention of the fax machine, which was actually in 1843 (“The Printing Telegraph”). The author of the piece stated that there was a (brief) period of time during which a Samurai warrior could have sent a fax to President Abraham Lincoln. I love facts like that!

Of course, it would be great if my readers loved my work so much that they’d flock to my websites and videos to get even more. It’d be nice to be that popular. But I’d be satisfied with decent sales of my books and the occasional nice review.