5 Tips for the Holiday Writer

It’s the holiday season already. We’re all rushing around, trying to find the perfect gifts, cooking the best meals and going to party after party.


For those of us who are writers, the holidays can be quite stressful. You feel obligated to attend those parties and shop for those gifts and cook those meals. But where’s the time to write? Especially if you have a day job, like I do, it’s difficult to get anything done on your manuscript.

Here are some tips for the writer over the holidays:

  • Stay focused. Remember that the holiday season is actually a fairly short one, and that you’ll be back to your normal writing schedule soon. Focus on what’s most important, and get back to the rest when you can.
  • Carve out moments of time. Write, but don’t plan on meeting your regular word count goal. Jot down a few thoughts while the turkey is baking, or sit down at the computer for a few minutes before leaving for that party.
  • De-stress. Take a little time to breathe. Meditate or practice yoga. Take a warm bubble bath. Get a massage. Even going for a short walk around the block can help you de-stress.
  • Stay healthy. Sure, it’s a temptation to throw healthy eating and drinking to the wind and over-indulge at those parties. You’ll feel better if you limit your drinking and add some healthy choices to the party snacks. Have a healthy salad before the party, so you won’t be so hungry. Fill up on (flavored) carbonated water instead of alcohol. And, of course, don’t drive if you’ve been drinking!
  • Keep that notebook handy. Even if you’re not writing as much as usual, have your notebook ready for those ideas that will pop up at odd times over the holidays. Come January, you’ll be ready to jump right back in and flesh those out into scenes or stories.