Three Things I Would Change

I read a writing prompt that intrigued me: if you could pick three things in the world to change, what would you do?

clock faces

I read a short story somewhere, can’t even remember the title or author’s name, but when you reached adulthood, you were given the power to know how others felt. Not like reading their mind, but if you thought about doing something mean or hurtful, you immediately knew how it was going to feel to the other person. That’s the first thing I’d like to wish for. That way, all these so-called moral people who love nothing more than to try to control everyone around them would see what it feels like to be controlled. That way, too, if you saw anyone harming another person, you would know they were really sick and needed to be removed from society for everyone’s good.

The second thing I’d do is to reverse the power system again. Human beings, I believe, are supposed to be a matriarchal society and somewhere along the way we have gotten that turned around. The women are the ones who are against war, against hatred, against most every trouble the male of the species seems to get us into over and over again. Imagine a world where you had to explain to your grandmother why you thought you needed to declare war on the country next door, when she regularly had afternoon tea with the leaders of that country.

And for the third thing, if I could, I’d abolish the idea of money. I love the Star Trek notion that we will eventually evolve into a society where we work for the enjoyment of doing what we love, without worrying about whether or not other people value your efforts.

What would you wish?