What I’m Listening to: U2

People always wonder if an author has a playlist going when they write. I usually do, and it’s usually the Dublin band U2.

The band U2 left to right: Adam Clayton, The Edge (Dave Evans), Bono (Paul Hewson), Larry Mullen, Jr.

I subscribe to SiriusXM radio, so I can listen to U2 all day without changing the channel – U2-XRadio. They play all sorts of variations on the band’s music, plus music the band themselves enjoy listening to, which is nice. They also have something called “Desire,” where fans can record the top five songs “I desire most.” Another feature I enjoy is the Sunday morning inspirational show called “Elevation,” where host John Kelly interviews famous inspirational celebrities (artists, poets, etc.).

I do have certain songs that I associate with certain characters, of course, and not all of those are by U2, but when it comes time to knuckle down and get some words on paper, it’s usually the “four yobbos from Dublin” in the background. I wouldn’t categorize myself as a rabid fan, but I’m definitely fan material. I have my favorite band member (the Edge), my favorite stories (they once opened for themselves), and my favorite songs (they change depending on my mood of course). I once timed my vacation so I could be in Dublin when they were playing Croke Park Stadium, so I guess I can say I’m a pretty big fan.

Do you have a certain group or playlist you like to listen to while working?