What TV Show Would You Bring Back?

One of the writing prompts I came across recently is “What TV Show Would You Like to Bring Back and Why?” I have several I’d like to see a remake of, but my favorite would be one of the 70s Westerns: Alias Smith & Jones.

The premise of the show is thus: In the 1800s, two of America’s most wanted outlaws decide to go straight, but they want amnesty from the Governor, so they won’t go straight to jail. They hook up with a former outlaw who is now a sheriff and broach the subject with the man in charge. He agrees to grant them amnesty—if they can stay out of trouble for a year. In each of the show’s episodes, something occurs to threaten our heroes’ hard-earned amnesty. Based loosely on Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, this was a comedy-drama with lots of intriguing problems and plenty of action, and I’d love to see it attempted again with a more modern spin.

The 60s and 70s were the era of the Western: Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Rawhide, The Rifleman, and Have Gun, Will Travel, to mention only a few. And let’s not forget all those cowboy movies, with John Wayne, Roy Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy, and all the rest of those rough and tumble stars. It was a happier, more carefree time, when every problem had a solution and conspiracy theories were few and far between. Yes, I agree that what you grow up with sticks with you forever, but looking at it objectively, those old shows really did portray a gentler, more trusting time. I miss those days sometimes, especially when I’m trying to find something to watch on Netflix that isn’t dark and conspiracy ridden. 

The show I love was cancelled because one of the lead actors committed suicide. They tried to carry on with a new actor (and no explanations), but the show’s loyal followers just didn’t buy it and ratings plummeted. I’d like to see a modern cast try this show today, with new problems and puzzles for our heroes. They’d need a chiseled beefcake to play the gunslinger and a wiry trickster to play the brains of the outfit. I have no preferences for specific actors because I haven’t been paying attention to the most recent crop of movie stars, but surely there are a couple who’d fit the bill.

If you were a fan of the show—or a new convert—are you a Hayes fan or a Kid follower? Why did you like that particular character so well? What did you think of the attempt to cover up Pete’s demise and shove Roger Davis into the mix at the last minute? Do you have a favorite episode? What makes it so special to you? Comment and let me know—we probably know each other from the fan sites and Facebook!

2 thoughts on “What TV Show Would You Bring Back?

  1. My fave is Kid/Ben Murphy. Loved the mix of toughness when necessary and sensitivity. Also loved the loyalty the characters had for each other Can’t love one without the other! Yes, the decision to just continue the show without an explanation of the change in actors wasn’t the best. Roger Davis was a good actor in a very difficult situation – the relationship between the characters seemed strained compared with the easy familiarly of Peter and Ben. It seemed to improve a little as the series went on but it never reached the level of chemistry that the show had had.

    1. I agree Sue. At the time, of course, I resented Roger but as I matured, I felt for him, shoved into such a tough situation. Ben and Pete just seemed to have that chemistry one hopes for in a series or movie.

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