Top 10 Writing Obstacles Every Writer Faces

What are some of the obstacles writers – especially new ones – face? Here are the Top 10 in my opinion.

  1. Self-Confidence: The Number 1 obstacle, I believe, is yourself. It’s hard to believe in yourself when you’re getting rejection after rejection, but hang in there. Revise and edit, revise some more, and eventually you’ll succeed.
  2. Refusal to Edit: Ego can be just as bad as low self-esteem, however. When you feel your work cannot be improved, you’re fooling yourself.
  3. Lack of Support: Find yourself a network of other writers, whether in real life or online, and get the support everybody needs. Your friends and family aren’t likely to understand or sympathize with your problems.
  4. Lack of Time: Of course, this can be corrected. You usually don’t “find” the time to write. You make the time.
  5. Poor Query Letter: Your query letter must be the most highly-polished piece of writing you’ve done, or it’s not likely to attract an agent or editor.
  6. Poor Cover Letter: Ditto the cover letter. Check not just for spelling and grammar, but for a polished blurb and enticing “hook.”
  7. Lack of Skill: Writing is an art, but it’s also a science that can be learned. Read, read, read, and read some more so you know how it’s done.
  8. Lack of Conflict: Your manuscript (or story) must be one obstacle after another thrown at your POV character or it’s not going to be interesting enough to keep the reader’s interest.
  9. Lack of Plot: Many writers have a great idea, but no real plot or story. Make sure you’ve got both before you dig in and get started.
  10. Poor Idea: Other writers don’t even have a good idea. They just have a series of scenes playing in their head. Make sure your idea is a good one before you start plotting.

Of course, you may have your own “Top 10” list. What do you feel are the biggest obstacles a writer faces?