Summer Festival of Writing

So I found a new (online) conference — The Jericho Writers Summer Festival of Writing.

For around $40 a month, you get 3 solid months of writing webinars and mini-workshops. They’re based in the UK, so I don’t know all of the authors — but I do know Neil Gaiman!

So far we’ve had some interesting sessions: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Social Media and Branding for Authors, From Draft One to Debut, Book Bloggers, and The Truth Behind Book PR. They also do “In Conversation With –” and mini-workshops that last several hours.

I’m having a great time and learning a good bit. And since they’re in the UK, the webinars are all at a decent hour like 2pm or 9am on Saturdays. If you’ve got a little extra cash and you’d like a summer full of fun — go sign up!