New Year’s Writing Resolutions

It’s that time again – the time when you make all those resolutions for the coming New Year.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you keep your resolutions:

  1. Try to write something every day. Even if you only write a post for your author page on social media, you’ve accomplished something.
  2. Set reasonable goals. Instead of “Write 3 pages per day” what about “Write one scene a day” or “Write a blog post every week”?
  3. Focus on quality, not quantity. Set a goal to write something you’re proud of rather than trying for a lot of pages or a high word count.
  4. Write what moves you. If your current Work In Progress is getting to be a lot of work, why not switch to something else for awhile and then come back to the original work? Give your brain some time to process and come up with new ideas.
  5. Give yourself permission to fail. Writing is a process. Not everything is going to work out perfectly the first draft. Give yourself permission to write a crappy first draft then edit it into shape later.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?