Keep It Organized

One thing I’ve learned as a writer is that you have to be organized.

Here are some of the ways I’ve kept my writing organized:

  1. Scrivener – If you haven’t already noticed, I use this writing software for my books and stories. Scrivener has a set place for your research (including saving websites for you), characters, and any notes and comments you think of as you’re working.
  2. Series Bible – Every writer needs to have a “Bible” if they plan to use a character or setting more than once. Keep track of every character so that Cousin Sue from Story 1 doesn’t become Cousin Stew in Story 7. Also jot down details of different settings so that the house doesn’t suddenly acquire a library when you didn’t have one to start with. This can be an actual loose-leaf notebook, a stack of index cards, or — as I do — a computer file. I use Scrivener again, and have a “chapter” for everything from houses to personal possessions to extra characters to possible names for future characters.
  3. Maps – If you’re a visual person, a map of your setting helps you to visualize things like the layout of the character’s house or office, the street plan of their home city (or the city they’re visiting), and the railroad or subway system they use to get around.
  4. Character Studies – I have a notebook for each of my main characters. In each notebook, I have a set of questions taken from various personality quizzes, like “What would he do if he became seriously ill?” or “What does he wear when he’s in a happy mood?” This is a great way to get to know your main characters, and the more you know, the easier it is to write stories about them.

What is your best organizational tip?