Why We Love Fiction (And You Should Too)!

Fiction is a story that is all or partially made-up, something that didn’t or won’t (or might not) actually happen. Why do we love fiction so much? And should you love it too?

  1. Fiction allows us to use our imagination. You’re learning when you read non-fiction, but with fiction, you’re creating. You’re dreaming up a universe and living inside of it for awhile. Your creative side gets a good workout with a fiction novel or story.
  2. Fiction entertains us. Non-fiction is educational, but fiction is just plain fun. And you need some fun in your life sometimes.
  3. Fiction teaches us. Sure, non-fiction is educational, but fiction can teach us a lot, too. You can learn a lot by reading what the characters know and do in the story, and you can pick up facts about new places and ideas from reading fiction.
  4. Fiction improves our vocabulary. The more you read, the better your vocabulary gets, and the smarter you’ll be. Readers are good conversationalists for this reason.
  5. Fiction broadens our horizons. The more you read about different places, different cultures, different people and different ideas, the broader your mind will be.

You can see that reading — anything at all! — is good for your brain. If you’re a non-fiction reader, try some fiction once in awhile to see how much fun it can be.

Why do you read fiction?