Write Something … Anything!

Well, the vacation is over – photos are up on the Author’s Travels tab if you’d like to see my take on the Denver area.

Botanic Gardens

You’ve heard me say you should try to write every day. One of the things I write is this blog. That’s not every day of course, but I do try to invent some sort of blog topic every week or so. It counts as writing practice if you have a blog or social media post.

Another thing is fan fiction. Yes, you heard me correctly. I sometimes write fan fiction when I’m resting between books. It’s short and easy to write (for me), and it keeps me practicing something that’s fun instead of being hard work all of the time.

My point is that you should write something daily – it doesn’t have to be your Great Novel all of the time. So long as you’re practicing the craft, your writing will get better.

I hope all of you will have the chance for some Creative Recharging somewhere this year – and that you write something fun to recharge your interest batteries.

What are the many things you work on writing?